Monday, October 18, 2010

My story

There was a day that when I was playing basketball at the YMCA back home with all my friend that I was on fire.  It was the best feeling every I could literally make every shot on the court without any problem.  It just felt like everything was in sink, I felt so smooth and so confident.  I know that this feeling that I had can translate over to other parts of my life and really help me to excel.

On this particular day at the YMCA, it was a week day over Christmas break my senor year.  I went to the Y about a half hour before my friends got there to shoot around for alittle while.  I still remember everything from that day, there was this little kid that was there and I was talking to him, and he started getting my rebound and passing me the ball.  The kid was so amazed by how many shot that I was making that he didn't want to stop rebounding the ball for me he literally stayed and rebounded for a half hour.  I think that because the kid was so amazed that it gave me confidence to make the rest of my shots.

The feeling that I had to get me into this groove at the YMCA that day it a feeling that I can work to get into everyday.  I think that it is very important to have confidence in everything that you do.  You need to be confident in every answer that you put on every test and to every person that you talk to.  I learn a lot about how to be successful that day.

I learned how to live my life smooth and confident one day at the YMCA from a little kid.  One day at the Y alittle rebounded for me and made me feel like god, it was the coolest feeling ever and it gave me confidences to be a better shooter.  I use that confidence that I learned from that kid everyday in my life and I feel that it has helped my a lot in my first part of college.


  1. It sounds like that little kid had a big impact on you! You make a good point when you say that you should be confident in everything you do.

  2. That is a cute story. That little kid sounded so impressed with you. It reminds me of when I would visit the elementary school and I could hear the little kids whisper "Wow.....high school kids." I like that you said you have to be confident in everything you do. That is a great thing to live by.

  3. This is cute :) My little brother is like that little boy to boys older then him. He looks up to older boys because he wants to be just as good as them someday, so you should feel very good because that little boy probably wants to be just like you someday :)

  4. i know how it feels to feel like you cant miss, and its a great feeling. i just wish it had happened more during my high school games..

  5. This is a good way to turn something that some people could have just blown the little boy off and you didn't and then you were able to turn it into a learning experience where you now know how it feels to be successful easier.
