Thursday, October 28, 2010


To start off I'm not a huge social media kind of guy, I would much rather just talk to someone then e-mail them.  On top of that I'm not good at computer stuff, but I know what I need to know and get by.  I have a face book account which I use, but I don't post on walls very often just because It easier to text for me since when I'm on the computer I usually don't have a ton of time to mess around.  So Twitter for me wasn't really anything great, I can see how a lot of people would really like it but it's not really my thing.  I personally think it would be kind of annoying hearing little things like: when I woke-up, and when I'm going to eat, or study.  Some people I sure would love to just sit on the computer and see what all their friend are up to.  I don't have near enough time to sit there and read what everyone is up to.  I just left twitter up in until I got my 20 post so it wasn’t that time consuming to do that.   I think that it would be really cool to follow someone who is famous just to see what their life is like but I would kind of feel like a creep watching what they are up to.  That’s another thing I would feel weird if someone was following me and they ask me about something that I did last week like, how did practice go last Monday.  I would feel like they are stocking me and that just a weird feeling.  This experience definitely opened my eyes to a new source of social media, but once it’s done I’ll probably delete it because I get five or six e-mails from twitter everyday that just make it a pain to check my e-mail.  Like I said before I’m not great with computers so I’m not sure how to make a link, you can get on my twitter account by going to and typing in Collin Fett.


  1. I agree that it is slightly annoying to hear every little thing about somebody where if you wanted to know you should just text or call them and ask. I deleted the email section of Twitter because I was getting several messages in a day and it got overwhelming.

  2. Keep exploring, you can make your twitter account what you want! Find one particular thing to follow!

  3. I pretty much agree with everything in your post. I did not enjoy Twitter that much. I don't feel like everyone needs to know exactly what I am doing and its annoying when people post trivial things. I also don't use my Facebook much for posting and updating. I just text people.

  4. Yeah if you want to know what someone is doing you can just go and talk to them or txt them. I usually get on facebook check if anyone said anything and then set it to the side.

  5. I agree with you about rather talking to someone thru texting or calling. I also only did the required amounts of tweets because I didn't like Twitter, but it did open my eyes to a new social network.
