Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Beloit College Reflection

The Beloit College mindset is a surprisingly accurate list of the way my peers and I thing about the world.  Many of the seventy-five mindsets on the list are very true, but there are a couple that I disagree with.  The mindsets that talked about a person that I have never heard of, and say that they have always been dead to are obviously very true.  There are some mindsets that I feel almost make my generation sound uneducated, like saying that we don't know who Michelangelo is.  I think that for the most part the college did a very good job compiling the different mindsets of my time.

I agree with a vast majority of the mindsets that the college came up with.  I agree obviously with all the mindsets that say that something has always existed since we were born.  These are thing like DNA fingerprinting and the human genome.  There are a lot of names that are brought up saying that we have never heard of, and for the most part it was true I have never heard of Ice-T, or Dirty Harry, or John McEnroe.  There were a number of mindsets that talked about the cold war, and since I was not alive in that time all the ones about the US getting alone with Russia seem right to me.  For the most part I feel they got the mindsets correct for my generation.

I disagree with a small amount of the mindsets that they brought up.  I think that some of them make my peers and I look uneducated.  They said that Al Gore has always been animated to us, this isn't true at all in fact I can't think of that many Al Gore cartoons, I would say that the majority of my peers know that Al Gore was the vice president under Clinton.  Once again they say that we don't know that Czechoslovakia was a country, I would bet there are quite a few people my age that know that is was.  Lastly they say that we don't know who Beethoven is I would be very surprised if someone doesn't know how Beethoven and I would venture to say that many could hum one of his master pieces.  There were few mindsets that I disagree with, I disagree with some because I feel like they are making fun of my generation.

I think that Beloit did a very good job in summarizing a whole population into just seventy-five mindsets.  Many of the seventy-five mindsets on the list are very true, but there are a couple that I disagree with.  I agree with all the ones that date us, meaning if something was invented before we were born obviously we won't remember what it was like before that.  There were a couple mindsets that I disagreed with, because I felt that the college made us out to be somewhat uneducated.  I really enjoyed that article and think that it was very accurate.


  1. Hi Collin!! I totally agree with how it made us sound somewhat unintelligent. I knew who those people were that you mentioned like Beethoven, but I also know the St. Bernard Beethoven too. He was so cute!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I agree how most of the list consisted of very true facts. I also agree that the list had a negative tone to it, downgrading our generations general knowledge.

    This is Matt btw . . .

    PS: Sorry about posting twice; apparently there's no edit function . . .

  4. I agree that the list made us sound like we're uneducated. I guess I didn't really think of that when I was reading the list until I saw this here blog. I'm really glad I'm not the only one who had no idea who the three guys were.

  5. i agree with most of what you have, except for that i know who ice t, john mcenroe, and dirty harry are. and all that cold war nonsense didnt ring a bell to me either.

  6. I wouldn't really take offense to anything on there. You have to remember who is making this list. They are not our age, or anywhere close sometimes.

  7. I agree with the things they were talking about that have always just been around since we were born because there hasn't been anyother way since we were born that is just how technology was then. Like DNA fingerprinting have always been portrayed on TV so we knew about it.

  8. I agree with you that this list makes us sound not very smart and makes us look like we dont know much. I think that pretty much all of us feel the same way about the list, but many of the things to agreed with I do too.

  9. I can't believe you have never of Ice-T! But anyway, I agree with you on the small minds sets. When talking about the coldwar at all, I'm confused.

  10. I agree with you on it making us sound unintelligent. We live in a time where information is widely available but there is so much of it, it's hard to focus. I know for me, a long time ago is the late 1800s. Michelangelo was long dead over 300 years before that.

  11. I agree with Mackenzie, I bet you have seen a movie with Ice-T in it. He was a rapper turned actor. And I agree that Al Gore isn't just a cartoon, and that Czechoslovakia is a country because I'm actually part Czechoslovakian.

  12. Hey Collin,

    I agree with you about the Al Gore comment. If anything, I know Al Gore from "An Inconvenient Truth". I don't even know if I have seen a comic of Al Gore.

    And, John McEnroe was a famous tennis player. He was, however, known more for his quick temper than his tennis skills. He would always argue with the officials and such. He was even known to throw his racket. Just an overall bad sport.

  13. I agree that this list had many true items. I also agree that the ones that were not very true had a negative tone and came across as making us look unintelligent.
